Pinguan talcum powder as the filler, paint and resin control agent and deinking agent are widely used in the pulp, paper and cardboard, paper production, effectively improve the quality of the products and production efficiency.
Improve the wheel gravure paper coating paint tactile properties and can be printed. Talc as a kind of soft and platy pigment, improve compressibility and realizing the maximization of ink transfer, thereby reducing the ink point loss and printing spots and improve the opacity. Improve the ink solidification force, reduce fuzzy trend.
Talcum powder can improve the efficiency of the printing press, eliminate the bursting and crepe paper wrinkle. Application pinguan talcum powder of the paper can effectively reduce the friction surface, and can effectively control the paper broken in roller rotary printing, intaglio printing production efficiency can be enhanced greatly. Printing ink will transfer, but in the region of the halftone, application of paper still pinguan talcum powder can bring good image quality, at the same time also can reduce the loss of points. Talc concave wear value is very low, and thus for paper making equipment and printing equipment wear and tear. Reduce to replace any waste caused by rupture during a scroll. All these can improve efficiency and cost savings.
Resin Control Agent
No matter in the process of temperature or the pH will have change, pinguan talcum powder will be irreversible adsorption of organic compounds, prevent its cohesion. Pinguan talcum powder to improve the productivity of the equipment (spot and less defects, holes), reduce energy demand. In terms of demand. In terms of emissions of waste water, pinguan talcum powder reduce COD levels. The application of talcum powder, greatly improving the speed of paper machine and printing machine running, at the same time improve the quality of paper.
Such as resin, white resin and the so-called "sticky" and other impurities, is paper, coating paper and chemicals, machinery or deinked pulp. A lot of gum resin particles can cause resin agglomerate. Some organic or inorganic compounds or iron is usually agglomeration, such as to bubble agent residue and Ca2 +. Talc absorption gum resin and organic matter, they can form agglomerate together with resin. Talc reduce sticky sticky, to prevent these compounds agglomerate and keep them harmless form in the pulp and paper, reduce their in the chemical and mechanical pulp and paper and deposition in the process of recycling paper. For deinking pulp and fibre, talc can improve the flotation process and viscous material removal efficiency of the cleaner. Talc content is very flexible, moreover in the final product, it is still remain the packing of the low price.
Functional Filler
In the paper and pulp industry, talc as functional filler for low cost. As grade mineral filler composition part of printing paper, talc due to its special plate can form more smooth, more compressible and holes less paper characteristics. It avoid printing patterns on the uncoated grade and reduce skin friction, can improve the printing, drawing and processing efficiency. Talc as a
Kind of packing, its softness can reduce the wear and tear of paper machine structure, and mechanical components. Cooperate with titanium dioxide used as filler, talc can increase the wet opacity, used in all kinds of decorative base paper and other special paper.
Compared with other packing materials, talc with high affinity to fiber, let water easy to drain in the filter, so that this kind of packing in screening cost less water retention (height).Such as resin, white resin and the so-called "sticky" and other impurities, is paper, coating paper and chemicals, machinery or deinked pulp. A lot of gum resin particles can cause resin agglomerate. Some organic or inorganic compounds or iron is usually agglomeration, such as to bubble agent residue and Ca2 +. Talc absorption gum resin and organic matter, they can form agglomerate together with resin. Talc reduce sticky sticky, to prevent these compounds agglomerate and keep them harmless form in the pulp and paper, reduce their in the chemical and mechanical pulp and paper and deposition in the process of recycling paper. For deinking pulp and fibre, talc can improve the flotation process and viscous material removal efficiency of the cleaner. Talc content is very flexible, moreover in the final product, it is still remain the packing of the low price.
Deinking Agent
Pinguan talcum powder used in waste paper deinking process, which can effectively make the waste paper deinking in flotation and washing.